Wednesday, November 21, 2012

An Attitude of Gratitude - My Thankful List

All throughout the month people in the social media world have diligently posted their daily gratitude. I have to say I'm just not that dedicated to keeping up with a monthly project, but it's not that I don't think about or try to live a way that I'm mindful of the blessings that I have in my life.

So, in the spirt of Thanksgiving, I composed a list of all the things for which I give thanks this year - from those things that make my life worth living to the simple little things that make me smile in a day.

Without further ado ...

 My mom
Every day I'm amazed that I was given such a gift as to have the mom that I have. She willingly accepted the role of single mom in a time when and place where it was rare. She embraced the challenge of raising me, she sacrificed her hopes and dreams to make my life better, and there was never a louder cheerleader in my life. No matter where my life has taken me - from the good to the bad, my mom has supported me. And these past years when she's been confounded by illness, she's been so graceful and strong, I can't help but admire her. Not to mention that when I was facing homelessness and poverty this year, on the verge of having to give up my dreams, my mom said stay, I'll take care of what you need. And that's what she has done my entire life.

My grandparents
I couldn't have asked for a better example of love in my life than the two people that made room in their home for my mom and myself and taught me that family never leaves family behind.

 My family
They drive me crazy at times, but I love each and every person in my small, but mighty family. And those three little ones (well, one isn't so little anymore) that have let me play "mom" and "aunt" are often times the light of my life.

My friends
The people that I call friend have continued to amaze me, but none so much as in the past few years. Through the revelation of my depression and my poverty and all the times in between, I have been amazed at the love and support that has been showered upon me from those that I expected it from and from those that I never would have guessed would be there for me.

My crazy Monday night internet family
I know that for many my dance night feed may drive them slowly (or quickly) crazy, but for 20 or so weeks a year, my sanity is saved by a hodge-podge group of friends from different corners of my life that join together to watch a dance show from around the country and mock it right along with me. I look forward to our Monday nights when we catch-up and make snarky comments.

 My job that makes an impact
For years I've said that I wanted a job where I wasn't simply making money for a corporation, but making a difference in lives. I have finally found an employer that lets me make a difference. And it helps that they stepped up and took a chance on me when I needed them most.

My best friend
I will always be thankful to this one special person that came into my life just when I need someone to show me that it was okay to be me.

My dance family
For so many years of my life the people that I worked with, taught, and danced with at Daryl Jervis Dance Studio were part of my life weekly. In between learning shuffles, time steps, pirouettes, and jetes, I learned so much more. I love that I was in a place where you could love and experience dance no matter your talent level, size, or professional aspiration. And if I instilled in just one student the confidence, love, and acceptance that my mentor there gave me then I'll have accomplished something in the world of dance.

My faith
I'll admit that for someone that attended 16 years of Catholic Schools I'm a very "lapsed" Catholic at best. But that doesn't mean that I don't practice and have a deep faith that I've pieced together from the years that means something to me. It might not be a recognized "religion," but I'm thankful that I have somewhere to turn deep within myself when I need the strength and resolve to get through a day.

 My internet connection
I know that it's "material," but the internet has actually brought me closer to some people that were mere acquaintances and has helped me find people from which I lost touch. I'm so thankful for the people that it has brought into my life and the way it helps erase the miles that separate me and some of my best friends.

My books
I've always been a reader. I've always loved to learn. But, at times in my life when life was the darkest, books helped me find my way. At times they helped me escape reality and at others they helped me find just the right message that I needed to move my life where it needed to go. I never knew when or where those moments would appear - the most unexpected revelation came when reading a teen novel, The Truth About Forever. Who knew that a simple escape would change me? And even when it's more of an adventure, I'm always thankful for the path where a good book leads.

 My Fighting Irish
I started watching Notre Dame games in the early 80s when I would wake up before anyone else in the house and found them reaired in the early Sunday morning hours on a fledging ESPN network. Become an ND fan during the Faust era prepared me well for the past 20 years when Irish eyes haven't smiled so broadly. But, this year my Irish have made my weekends happy ones - even if they have induced some heart-threatening moments at times.

 My Saint Mary's education
I've often been asked why anyone would attend a women's college, but Saint Mary's was the right place for me at the right time. I'll never regret my choice and I'll always love that I received an education from professors that challenged me, that made me think critically, and actually cared about what I learned. I may have stressed about passing my two writing requirements and my senior comprehensive in addition to all my classes, but when I look back today I'm so happy for those learning experiences. And I'm always proud to tell anyone that I'm a Saint Mary's College alumna.

 My "pay it forward" angel
When I was facing severe financial strife this year, I mentioned this to one friend that felt comfortable telling. It was for no other reason than to just tell someone. I never, ever expected more than some heartfelt words and maybe some advice. So when an email appeared that a payment had been made to my paypal account you can't imagine how overwhelmed I was by her generosity. And while words will never be enough to thank her - and believe me I've tried to find them several times and they are never adequate - she only asked that I take the gift and when I could, pay it forward to someone like me. It's a gift that I will never, ever forget and will always be looking to repay in someway to others when I can.

My camera
I've always been a "picture-taker," but this year I've discovered the hobby of photography. Stepping outside the box of just taking photos of family and friends, I've found a way to explore my new surroundings and discover that sometimes if you look for it you can find beauty in so many places you never expected.

The little things
There are lots of little things that can and do make my days a little better. They aren't the big things that make me who I am, but they are sometimes the thing that makes me smile in a day. A small sampling of the little things that made my list this year: daisies, gladiolus, honeycrisp apples, the "things I love right now" playlist on my ipod, tap shoes, peanut butter, beads & wire, Pinterest, facebook (where so many of my friends live), the GPS on my phone that saves me in the hills of Cincinnati where I'm always "turned" around, Glee, Dance Moms (hanging my head in shame), Sarah Dessen novels which I reread and remembered again why I loved them the first time, West Side Story, the soundtrack to Wicked and Grease, The Hunger Games trilogy, the Picmonkey app, my "lucky" Irish T-shirt, streaming Netflix, Words with Friends, iced tea, my thumbie charms that bear the thumbprints of my Grandma & Grandpa, the thoughtful woman that sent us pictures of my Grandpa in the army, Napoleon Perdis make-up that hides my dark undereye circles and my "unflawless" complexion, my mom's handmade cards, and memories of my favorite family, friends, and moments.

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